Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Merry Repeal Day, Everyone!

Happy Repeal Day, folks.

That's right, it's the 73rd anniversary of the repeal of alcohol prohibition in America.

Dewar's celebrates with a full page ad in the New York Times, and has posted a google video of a chilling alternate-history where prohibition never ended. Of course, would it really be that much more chilling than actual history? Prohibition by any other name still smells like shit.

Hat tip to Hit&Run


Anonymous said...

The more important question is how will YOU celebrate it?

lunchstealer said...

Well, I gotta go do some fencing tonight, because I haven't been able to do that for like a month, but after that who knows?


Anonymous said...

Let's drink. Who's up for the Saucer?


Anonymous said...

And drink we did.

Anonymous said...

oh man... did we ever.

Anonymous said...

I will be continuing this celebration o' repeal tonight at Trinity & the Angelika with David and Becky, tomorrow night with Harold at wherever we decide to go, and Friday night at Bavarian with Brad and co. w00t!! I say, w00t!! to finally being over the post-final blues!

Anonymous said...
