OK, here are the rules. Make a caption for this photo. C'mon, it's begging for it! Post them in the comments below. The winner shall be the first person who shall win.

The Sorites Paradox is an old Greek thought-experiment. We start with two grains of sand. This, clearly, is not a heap of sand. If we add a single grain, it is still not a heap. But after thousands of grains, you have to ignore the fact that one grain ago you didn't call it a heap, and look at the big freaking heap in front of you. This concept applies to lots of things, from police states, to boiling frogs, to lame blogs (One post doesn't make this blog lame!)
Having failed to settle the question with swords or pistols, they moved to the ultimate test.
"What is it?"
"It's green!"
(A classic exchange from TOS that was repeated in TNG.)
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